On Veterans' Day my sister, Wendy, was off work so we decided to go to lunch at my sister, Ashley's house. We had yummy food and watched a Christmas movie to kick off the holiday season. It was lots of fun.

I don't know what the fascination is with babies and other babies' pacifiers. Here are two cousins sucking on each others binky. They are out of control!

She gets to entertain the babies a lot

So I get to watch my nephew Desmond on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. For the 20 minutes that he was actually awake the other babies were all over him and his toys. He's already a ladies man!

My cute niece

Here's the three cousins. They look like the same age almost. They're all getting so old!

Sugar was a monkey for Halloween. And yes there was a banana in the pocket of the costume lol She was so cute. And sorry she's being so goofy in the picture but she is a monkey

This is what happens when I don't pay attention every second to my baby :-)
Life continues to go on, no matter how hard I would like to be able to push a pause button and relax for a week. :-) Anatomy is kicking my butt, but I do love what I'm learning. My family is helping out so much with watching Whitney. The semester is coming to an end quickly! I'll probably start blogging more often after that.