Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Last Days...

...before the new baby of course. This week was my birthday. I had decided to go to the zoo with my sister. Then, we found out the zoo was free! I was pretty excited. So, two of my sisters came and their kids (minus the junior higher). It was lot of fun, although Sugar seemed very obtuse about everything which was surprising.

Instead of just sitting around complaining or wondering when the baby is coming, I've decided to stay positive and not get depressed, since there's no reason to. Plus it wont help anything. I've really been trying to focus as much as I can on Sugar and enjoying the time I have with it just being her and me during the day.
We went to an art class with my friend Steph and her little girl:

I love this litte girl!
She loves the carousel so we went on a family outing to the mall:
We got her a big girl potty. Although she hasn't gone to the bathroom on it yet, she loves it and loves sitting on it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's coming....

3 1/2 weeks to go!
I'm getting very excited (and anxious) for baby#2 to get here! I haven't quite packed my bags, but I have made my packing list. (I think that counts for something) At least my sister will know what to get when I have to quickly go to the hospital and she needs to grab everything I need, right? No, but seriously if she came tomorrow I think I'd be okay. I'm not anticipating that because Sugar was 2 weeks late, but I'm trying to prepare for whatever may happen.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I know I already posted pics of Christmas, but I thought these were cute. They're just Sugar actually playing with the toys she got.
Feeding her baby.
Of course she had to sample some of the food too. :-)

She helped Pap Pap put together her baby doll bed.
She loves the bike she got from my parents


Christmas this year was so much fun! Sugar was awesome to watch open gifts. She'd open one, then we'd play with the toys for a bit, then we'd open another one.
Here she is putting out cookies for Santa.
They must've been good cookies, cause Santa left some fun toys!
Of course Daddy had to pick out a set of golf clubs for her.

She is a pro at opening gifts now!
Ty got the putter he's been obsessed about for the last year or so. He's been practicing just about everyday with it and is sure his scores will improve once the golf season starts back up :-)
And of course we had to eat our Reese's as soon as we discovered they were in the stockings.

I hope everyone's holidays went well. It was great to spend so much time with family, and to enjoy the season. Everything is moving quickly still for us, and we're staying busy!