Last week we were very busy! The baby turned one month old, sniff sniff. Time goes by so fast! She's been growing like a weed and last saturday she rolled over! I can't keep up with these little ones.

Tummy time!

Ever wonder what happens when a toddler finds hand sanitizer and her mom isn't paying attention? She very proudly told me she was painting the side of the couch. The hand sanitizer is not on the edge of the counter anymore. :-) I can't really get upset when I was on the other end of the couch not paying attention. haha

We've been having beautiful Spring weather, I've been loving it!

I caught her at the tail end of a smile.

She loves her daddy!

Sugar turned 2 on Sunday. We had her party on Saturday with LOTS of family over. It was Toy Story themed and she had a blast and enjoyed opening many presents.

Waiting for Daddy to get home from work so the party can start.
They just look like trouble!

Pap Pap covering Sugar's eyes while we brought her present out. She was struggling quite a bit lol

The big reveal

She knew just what to do! I wanted to get her a kitchen for Christmas, but Santa was a little broke lol but I'm glad we finally got her one. She loves it so much.

She can't reach the top cupboards so we got her a stool.

Eating pizza at the party with her cousin Sam. (Get it, Toy Story, Pizza Planet? :-)

This is my favorite shot from the whole night, my niece trying to take out Whitney's present. I love little kids. There was so much going on, Sugar didn't even care.

Sugar counting out the cash she got from Uncle David

Putting lipstick on Ty (too bad it's plastic)

The weird cake from Harmons. After much thought we realized it's not an ocean and sand, it's space and a desert. Luckily it tasted great!

We made party favor bags for the kids and we had a scavenger hunt to find them. The kids seemed to think it was fun.

The older boys read all the clues

This is Sugar's cousin Desmond. Look how much taller he is than Sugar and he's 5 months younger!

Samantha put the cake frosting all through her hair so we gave the little crazies a bath.

Here is the baby rolling over

Here she is on her actual birthday. She loves her phone!

Eating leftover cake.