Sunday, February 22, 2015

Birthday Time!

Earlier this month, Lindsey turned 4! She is so fun and had a great day.
In the morning she was excited about her decorations and then remarked that something was missing, her presents. Since we had planned to open presents later, I let Whitney give her her present.
I think she likes it

I didn't prompt these poses

So sassy!
She requested to go to Olive Garden for supper. I think the baby likes it!
This was the first time we've reserved our clubhouse for a party and even though we had a small crowd, it was so nice to not be cramped in the condo! Definitely will try to do this from now on!

Lindsey wanted a piñata and there's no where to hang it, so we had to get creative.

Surprisingly, Ty never got hit! lol

The kids were entertained

 She was spoiled by all her loved ones!

 We had a great day and I'm so grateful for all the love that everyone showed her! I think a fun time was had by all

Thursday, February 5, 2015

PA Trip

 Since it's Matt's Senior year, I knew we had to go back for a home wrestling meet. I looked at the schedule and knew I'd want to go to Minnesota or Iowa. We opted for Minnesota since it was the day before my birthday and it was in Rec Hall rather than the Bryce Jordan Center.
Hanging out at the airport. SO excited to leave!
I was really worried about how the baby would be on the 4 1/2 hour flight. But ultimately, he did quite well. 

When we got to Matt and Lauren's house, Marnie was very eager to see what this new little creature was.
 We had so much fun on our trip visiting lots of fun places and family.
Aunt Patti and Robert hit it off right away.
 It was so great to have Aunt Patti show me around Altoona where my parents grew up.
 We also had to eat at all my family's favorite places. Tyler got to try Texas Hot Dogs for the first time.

He wasn't impressed, but at least he knows now what we've all been talking about!
We had lots of fun with my Uncle Tim and Carol. 
 It snowed a ton while we were back there. (our flight home even got pushed back a day)

I've never been back in the wintertime, but it was just as pretty as summer

There's this awesome bakery that we went to and the donuts are de-lish!
I mean, who doesn't want that much filling?! (Well, Tyler, but he's weird :-)
 The night before the meet, we went to watch practice. It was lots to see the whole team in action

Hey, I know that guy!

Robert was interested ... first. Maybe wrestling isn't his sport

 I know these pictures are blurry, but the baby was super happy with Aunt Lauren and he was just being super cute.

Don't you just want to pinch him?!
 Oh, and that blanket was my first project with my new sewing machine :-)

Of course we had to visit the Lion Shrine while we were there. My boys had never been!

Aunt Lauren and Robert are ready for the meet to start!
Let's get ready to rumble!
It was so surreal to be there. And so much fun!

The team ready for introductions
Matt out as team captain

I told you wrestling wasn't his sport
The Nittany Lion
Matt had a tough opponent and came out on top, it was so exciting to watch in person!

The team lost by one point! Matt earned OW for the match

Matt giving autographs after, which I thought was super cute. 

 We celebrated my birthday while we were there and I promised not to put it out on social media, but Carol made me an awesome cake, that tasted amazing!
I figured since we were in PA, this ice cream would be fitting, but I opted for my usual cookies and cream
Birthday girl
It snowed a ton more on my birthday
 On our last day there, we explored downtown State College. I love how the town is surrounded by everything Penn State. The university is at the center of the town. I just love it.
Here's some of the menu items at Ye Old College Diner
Of course we had to try the grilled stickies
Isn't he cute?!
He got his first basketball while were there. He thought it was pretty cool

Ready to go home and see the girls!
I realize there are a lot of Robert sleeping pictures in this post. But he really did so great being away from his normal routine. He just soaked everything in and is adorable. 
These are on the plane ride home.
We had such a great trip. Thanks to the so many people that made it possible for us. We couldn't have made it happen without so many people's help. I'm so grateful for this opportunity and to have the time back there. It holds so many memories of trips when I was young, and I'm thrilled to be able to add to them now.