Thursday, February 28, 2008


I really love fruit. I guess it's just cause I love sugar and fruit is natural sugar. Oh well it's healthier than eating starbursts!!! lol I went shopping on Monday and bought grapes and oranges and I'm so glad I did. Today I brought grapes to work and I love munching on them. Soon I'll make my way toward vegetables lol maybe in about a century! Just an update on my "diet" I'm counting calories every weekday. I pretty much hate it and feel like I eat nothing, but it's getting better and it's nice to have the weekend to not worry about it, but I try not to totally pig out. I'm down a measley (is that a word?) 1.5 pounds so that's not very encouraging. Oh well, my goal is to get healthy so I'm at least on the right track. I'll get it down eventually!!! And I'm pretty much eating only fat free candy so that is an improvement. Well, I'll update later, maybe when I'm down 2 pounds in three months!!! lol Have a grrrreeeeeaaaaaattttt day!!! :-)


Doris said...

You should get snap peas at costo , really good price! AND NO THEY DON'T TASTE LIKE GRASS!!!!!

jess said...

yes they absolutely DO taste like grass!

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

I hugely recommend I lost 15 pounds last summer following my complete plan on there. Check it out!

Pj.steph said...

I agree with Adiel. It is helping me. Make sure that in your diet, whatever you are eating that fat is 30% or less. Have you taken a nutrition class? If not, I can give you a little crash course. They say calorie counting is bad because if your body isn't getting enough nutrients it will start to store what it can... NOT GOOD! But fruits and veggies are a fantastic way to go!! :)

jess said...

yeah my minor is nutrition. so i've taken a couple classes. I'm not lowering my calorie count that much. certainly not enough to put my body in a mode where it needs to store nutrients. Actually the best way to start losing weight is to write down what you eat so you're aware of what and how much you're putting in your body. My goal is to just start eating better and get into shape!(which is a slow process! lol)