So, I can't help buying baby clothes. I'm obsessed. I have bought a total of 39 onesies. lol My sisters and I went to the store and I almost bought everything I touched. I actually got a pretty good deal and I just get so excited when I shop for baby stuff. I promise I'll post Thanksgiving/Christmas stuff soon. I just wanted to share my current obsession. :-)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I can't control myself
So, I can't help buying baby clothes. I'm obsessed. I have bought a total of 39 onesies. lol My sisters and I went to the store and I almost bought everything I touched. I actually got a pretty good deal and I just get so excited when I shop for baby stuff. I promise I'll post Thanksgiving/Christmas stuff soon. I just wanted to share my current obsession. :-)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wonderful Husband
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Type Only 1 Word
Here is the rule: you have to answer all of these with one word (except on the list 4 things).
1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Your significant other? Tyler
3. Your hair? stupid
4. Your mother? flying
5. Your father? working
6. Your favorite thing? cuddling
7. Your dream last night? non-existent
8. Your favorite drink? juice
9. Your dream/goal? successful
10. The room you're in? classroom
11. Your fear? loss
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? house
13. Where were you last night? home
14. What you're not? stuffed
15. Muffins? blueberry
16. One of your wish list items? house
17. Where you grew up? Best Valley
18. The last thing you did? type
19. What are you wearing? clothes
20. Your TV? home :-(
21. Your pet? dead
22. Your computer? laptop
23. Your Life? good
24. Your mood? stressed
25. Missing someone? Matt
26. Your car? parked
27. Something you're not wearing? earrings
28. Your favorite store? Kohls
29. Your summer? gone
30. Your favorite color? RED
31. When is the last time you laughed? last night
32. Last time you cried? Sunday
33. Four places you go often? Moms, Jenny's, School, Olive Garden
34. Four of your favorite foods? bread, cereal, candy, pasta
35. Four Places you would rather be right now? home, shopping, bed, moms
36. Four people you tag? Adiel, Wendy, Anna, Doris
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My Awesome Job
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Crazy Saturday
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Holy War
Monday, November 17, 2008
I cheated
Sunday, November 16, 2008
100th Post
1. I hate pickles, even just the smell of them makes me sick.
2. I love watching college football.
15. I used to be able to say all 50 states and capitals in alphabetical order in under 3 minutes.
16. I'm totally obsessed with everything about England but I've never been there.
18. I've only had 2 official jobs my whole life.
19. One goal of mine is to be able to sew.
23. My favorite animal is a bear.
24. I have fed a lamb from a bottle. And it was awesome.
25. I love learning random facts and I can always remember them better than the things that actually matter that and that I need to remember.
26. Sometimes when hubby and I are driving we'll play a game where you have to read all the road signs out loud but you have to sing what it says.
27. I love riding 4 wheelers but so sad that I can't anymore. (cause of the baby)
28. There was a lady bug on my desk at work this morning.
29. I love to listen to people with accents talk.
30. I took first in the spelling bee in 1st and 2nd grade.
31. In 6th grade I took second in the school spelling bee to a 4th grader.
32. I am totally tune deaf but love belting out songs when I'm by myself or with Wendy in the car
51. We were sealed in the Manti temple.
52. I've never seen any Indiana Jones or James Bond movies.
53. I hate wearing shoes and I would be just fine walking around barefoot all the time.
54. JIF is the ONLY peanut butter that I will buy for myself. Nothing else compares.
55. Pancakes were meant to be eaten with Jif peanut butter on them.
56. I never got to meet my father-in-law.
57. I shook the prophet, President Hunter's hand.
58. I love eating fruit snacks.
59. I have naturally curly hair but I straighten it now almost everyday.
60. We bought our laptop for $50!
61. I absolutely hate driving. Especially in traffic. And yes, I drive for over 2 hours everyday.
62. I love the whole month of December and all the family traditions that we have.
63. I went to NYC with my older brother in 2005 and it was awesome!
64. I hope to be a stay-at-home mom while my kids grow up.
65. I didn't dye my hair until I was almost 19 years old.
66. Maple donuts from Reams are the best treat ever!
67. I have an obsession with food.
68. I hate watching people open up presents that I give them.
69. I don't want to ever drive a mini van.
70. I'm always in charge of the radio.
71. I have the best looking husband ever!
72. I wish make up was never invented. And I hate that I feel like I am expected to wear it.
73. I feel very naive when it comes to things in the outside world.
74. I'm terrible at doing hair, including my own.
75. In high school I drove a full size van.
76. I love playing with babies. Especially chubby ones.
77. My dad is the hardest worker I've ever seen.
78. I'm terrified of spiders.
79. I love family dinners at my mom and dad's house.
80. I walk at least 40 minutes a day up at school.
81. I really dislike the school down south and I hope we kill them on Saturday to be honest.
82. I really would like a house but I would have no idea how to decorate it. (good thing my sister lives close)
83. Not many people have ever even heard of my favorite movie.
84. I played soccer for my junior high.
85. I think college football rankings are really dumb.
86. I love to read novels and my dad always gives me a hard time for reading and not studying.
87. I would love to have an Alaskan Husky and I think they're the cutest dogs ever.
88. My favorite show is What Not To Wear. And Clinton is not gay.
89. I don't understand why guys think that a game on their play station is real. This is directly from my hubby about five seconds ago "babe, it's tied at 5 in the eleventh inning!"
90. I love Utah but I don't think they are as good as everyone else does. And don't tell hubby but I think they'd lose if they played any real teams.
91. I will only eat toast if it's barely barely golden.
92. I rode on a motorcycle for the first time this year.
93. I almost always have candy with me.
94. I don't think I could ever move more than about an hour away from my parents.
95. We live with two schnauzers.
96. I hate mayonnaise/miracle whip.
97. I cannot function without my cell phone.
98. I refuse to listen to Christmas music on the radio before Thanksgiving.
99. I have worn glasses/contacts since sixth grade.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween Fun
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Opening Night
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Major Changes
The other big change is my stomach. About a week and a half ago my stomach decided it wanted to grow and now I can't fit any of my clothes. It's really exciting but hard to get used to. And I swear every morning it sticks out like an inch further. Crazy! I just read today that I should gain about a pound a week for this next month. That won't be very fun but I'm glad the baby is growing! So here's my official 22 week baby bump picture :-)
Random Tag

The baby is kicking me out of control while I post this. :-) This picture is a little disturbing to me though. Ha ha I wonder if it's real. I doubt it.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Been Thinking
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Great 8
8 Favorite Restaurants: Olive Garden, TGI Fridays, Ruby Tuesday, Rock Creek Pizza Co, KFC, Applebees, Burger King, Moochies
8 Things that happened yesterday: Stayed home from work, skipped class, nursed a sick hubby, drove 2 hours just to drop off salad and sour cream for a party at work I didn't attend, finally cleaned/organized our storage space, ate cereal for dinner, watched like 10 episodes of King of Queens, did laundry
8 Things to look forward too: Having our baby/being a mother, finishing school, seeing Matt when he comes home for Thanksgiving, not having to work outside the home, buying baby clothes, eating a piece of my sister-in-law's birthday cake when I get home, The Utah vs. TCU game, holiday season
8 Things on my wish list: Get into a house of our own, Go to a Penn State football game, be a good mom, visit England, become a good cook, get a cute SUV before baby comes, to stop worrying, have a healthy baby
8 Things I love about Fall: FOOTBALL, leaves changing colors, weather that's just chilly enough for a hoodie but not too cold, watching ESPN college game day in sweats at my mom and dad's every saturday, Halloween decorations, Thanksgiving food, snuggling in the cold, taking a drive in the mountains with my hubby.

Monday, October 13, 2008
Happy Halloween!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008

I was so excited. Ty had bought me a new radio and installed it and everything. I'm so grateful for his hard work and generosity to me. He does so much for me I'm so happy we'll be together forever cause he's perfect for me. Sorry for all the gushy stuff. :-) Anyway, the radio has an ipod hookup and so I can listen to my ipod in the car but it also charges my ipod! Way cool. I was totally jamming out on the way to work today. :-) YAY for music!!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Yesterday was a really bad day. It just seemed like nothing could go right plus I was really emotional so I was pretty much just crying the whole day. My poor husband got many distressed phone calls and even a visit at work cause I needed his strength. He is so good to me and knows exactly how to cheer me up. After my last breakdown I was really discouraged so I decided that I wanted to go to the temple that evening. I knew I couldn't go being so upset so I prayed for help to brighten my day and ease my burdens so that I could think clearly and come out of my rut. Well I felt a little better and Ty was helping me a lot. As I was driving home I was stopped a light and I hear the person next to me say "excuse me" I looked over and she said "I love your shirt...It is so cute!!!" I thanked her and the light turned green and we went on. Of course I started crying because something so little could really brighten my day. It turned my day around and I felt so much better. Today during Elder Holland's talk at conference he talked about angels around us everyday. He said sometimes it's a neighbor or a spouse. I am grateful for the angels in my life and how much they are my light in the darkness. So, let's all try to be someone else's angel if you aren't already. :-)

Elder Holland
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008
Everything going good
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tagged by Jen...
3 Joys...
-spending time with family
-eating junk food
3 Fears...
-losing my baby
-losing my husband
-getting attacked
3 obsessions...
-keeping my desk clean and organized at work
-watching TLC
3 surprising facts...
-I'm pregnant at the same time as my oldest sister
-I have never eaten a salad
-I've never been to California
3 tags...
Steph, Doris, Angela
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Utah Man am I

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Office Joy
